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One of the most ancient spices, Cardamom is highly valued (it is the third expensive spice after saffron and vanilla). It is a constant ingredient in Indian cooking and can enhance both sweet and savory tastes. It is used to mellow the flavour of tea/coffee and also has much medicinal value.

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materials @agroproductsagencies.com


It is the dried bark of Laureceae family tree. The heavenly oil present in the spice contains Cinnamic Aldehyde and Bugenol - has antiseptic and anti-myopic value. It is delicately fragrant, slight sweet and lose the fragnance once ground. It is used in both sweet and savory dishes, rice dishes, chocolate deserts, cakes, and drinks and to flavor ale and wine.
Like other aromatics, the effects of cinnamon are stimulating, carminative, and tonic; but it is mostly used as an addition to other remedies than as a remedy itself.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Malabar Tamarind (Garcinia combogia)

Tamarind has been reported to be native to India. It is a much-valued food ingredient in many Asian and Latin American recipes. The sour and fruity taste of Tamarind merges well with the heat of chilies and gives South Indian dishes their hot and sour character and their dark colour.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Garcinia comboque extract

Hydroxy citric Acid (HCA) is the major organic acid from the dried bark of Garcinia Cambogia (an exotic middle-sized tree growing in India and south-east Asia) The acid and its salts have been extensively tested since the mid 1970s. The extract itself has been traditionally used for centuries in culinary practices in many parts of India.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com


Native to Southern and Central India, Africa, America and Burma, Tamarind is a multi-purpose herb. Almost all parts of it can be used; beans, seeds, pulp, leaves, flowers, juice and bark. There are two types of Tamarind beans; one is smaller in size, has a red colored pulp when ripe and has smaller seeds, while the other is longer, has a brownish pulp when ripe and has bigger seeds. The former is the type of tamarind that is used in medicine.

Tamarind is acidic and excites the bile and other juices in the body. Tamarind is also a blood purifier. Folk medicine uses Tamarind leaves for sprains and swelling.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Dehydrated green pepper

This is a good substitute for Green Pepper in Brine as it is much more convenient and easier for transportation and storing as it doesn't involve any Brine Solution. It is a product that can be used instead of pepper in brine as it contains both pepper and salt in the same proportions and at the same time maintains the natural green colour. It is mainly used for decorative purposes.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Turmeric powder and Turmeric whole

Turmeric is a very important spice in India, which produces nearly the whole world's crop and uses 80% of it. Turmeric forms a part of most of our curry powders. It is a natural antiseptic. In the fresh state, the rootstock has an aromatic and spicy fragrance, which by drying gives way to a more medicinal aroma.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Fresh Garlic in brine

Large sized garlic collected is graded and the clove separated manually by removing the outer cellulose skin. It is then put in brine water for proper strength and packed. This is widely used as a spice and seasoning in food. It is also used for some pharmaceutical applications.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Black pepper ground

Black Pepper is premium quality pepper dried under controlled condition, crushed and sieved into various sizes. Dried spices are three to four times stronger than the fresh spices and the powdered form make its usage easier.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Red chilly crushed

Chilly is one of the most important ingredients used in Indian dishes. Chilly may be expected to be hot and pungent. Once accustomed to the fiery pungency, one is surprised how many subtle flavours they may show. Red chilly crushed is mostly used for decorative purposes.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

Red chilly powder

The powdered form is easier for storage and usage. This is one of the main constituents of various curry powders. We use this in an assortment of spices used to season dishes. Chilly powder is best added to the dish at least one hour before serving to allow the flavours to combine.

For rates and further details, please contact us :
materials @agroproductsagencies.com

















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